time passed fast...
vry vry fast...like
light speed..
today is my last day of 2009..-31/12/2009
b4 stepping in to d year 2-0-1-0..i decided to open a blog...
-i LUV green-i m gek siao.. vry gek siao...n the next year..i wanna be more gek siao...~~
i dunno wat to write in my new blog...bcoz i do not hav any idea yet...but i still wanna write...juz for FUN, bcoz i m gek siao...
d last day of 2009,i din go anywhere...tis is wat i feel suprised...blif me...i feel so umbelievable..
let's set my target heref for 2-0-1-0..
1. STill be d HIGHeST marks in my maths subject,but also...dun mix up my other subjects!
2. ENTER loacal U..TO GET A NEW PRo-CAMERA for free..(mum say goin to buy me 1..lolxx...)
3. Be happy n healthy~
4. BE MORE mature..
5. n BLA BLA BLA>>many many more...hvn thk yet..will list up in another blog...
ENTER LOCAL U!!!!!TIS IS A MUST!!anyway...i muz enjoy vry well in my form6 life starts from 2moro...wit hapiness n joyfulness...wit my 38 gang...lolxxx
oh ya....n bcom a pro photographer n editor...
my 2009 goin to pass within 30 minutes...
juz stop here can?coz i stil coz plenty of maths question hvn do yet...
MISs Shi..my dewi~bcom my class teacher start from next year....oppss....is start from tomorrow....erm...mayb later..lolxxx-quite happy actually-
i like her..bocz she is pro ....vry vry PRO>>>in mathss...
ACTUARIAL science...do u thk i can set u as a aim?
i try my best k?
2-0-1-0 within 15 min...
11.48pm...astro live 317 now~
i juz stop my blog here to c fire crackets from taiwan...
2-0-1-0 !!